
Comments (423)

What do you think?

Well, you seem to have given up on this project, but I have yet some hope for it, given that, I decided to make a video!

Here's the gameplay w/ commentary, hope you enjoy it!

Okay. This is amazing. Especially for an unfinished game, this is just outstanding. there were moments in which my game would lag, but I didn't mind giving it a second. Nothing substantial. As far as the graphics and design, I found them to be gorgeous. Nothing like Black Ops 3 or Fallout 4, but come on, what the hell do you expect. It was creepy when it needed to be, I was sad/frustrated when I was (at least I'm assuming) supposed to be. It was intimidating at some points, and freaky at others.

Is that not the key to (many of) these sorts of games? Making the players instincts tell them "NO GTFO!", but have them still push themselves forward?
[spoiler potential]
FOR EXAMPLE, I already know I have a really strong maternal instinct, but that isn't easily triggered without a real-life, tangible situation. However playing the first level (once everything is red and what not), when I was working to figure out what to do, the atmosphere, and the background noise were extremely well built, to the point that I began to tear up. Not being able to help the baby I was hearing, and feeling such inexplicable guilt about a situation that has only been implied, was fricken intense.

Hey Robert. I saw your game and noticed you were using Unity, and I think I can help you. I make games in Unity as well, and I noticed people are talking about quite a few bugs in your game as well. I was wondering if you'd like to collaborate with us in game creation. I am not very formal, so you don't need to expect anything fancy from me at all. If you'd like to discuss or ask me questions, email us at [email protected] and we can talk about it. We await your response!


excuse me when is the full version is going to released

Note: Development on this game has paused.

Original Description:

What is it?

Forgotten is an ambitious horror game that aims to upset you, scare you, and then promise to never leave you. This is an early alpha version of the game that I uploaded many years ago for player feedback. I have since made much progress on the game, but I'm keeping that progress mostly under wraps until the game is finished. If you did get something out of the demo, though, feel free to support development of the new version of the game by buying me some coffee and a cherry pie.

Game Design Principles

1. Suspension of Disbelief: From the start, I wanted this game to pull you in. This is one of the core principles of any great game, but it takes careful planning and a lot of hard work to actually make happen.
2. Emotion: Every scene in this game starts with the question, "how do I want the player to feel?". Forgotten leverages mental modelling and other advanced game design techniques to amplify the emotional experience of the game.
3. Personal: I find that my favorite games are the ones that end up truly feeling like personal experiences for me. It's important that you feel like your actions and their consequences matter, but you know that they can't really matter when there's an objectives screen telling you what to do. In Forgotten, you decide what you want to do, and you get to experience the moment more fully thanks to that.


The version of the game uploaded here only satisfies those goals to varying degrees, but is still very representational of what I want this game to. I'm not currently in the market for hired help (the game is very near to completion) but, if you really enjoyed the demo, you can support the final release by naming a price. You can also help out by telling your friends and getting them to try it.

Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoy my game!

Realistic Bloodshed

Donations + New Screenshot

Development Status Update

Has Forgotten been abandoned?

Sunday Update #5

Sunday Update #4